
July 9 Day 4

Ok so back to the real world of my full time job in the old ER I did take a few snaps today but nothing worthy of posting so in light of my heavy weekend schedule. I will be sharing older photos that are special to me. So here is one of my first "art gallery" quality prints taken with my first high end camera by Kodak. Taken back in 2005 just the day after getting the camera. I was at that time in awe of the camera. Over the years I longed for something bigger and greater. So I purchased my DSLR and have not been upset with the camera one bit. So this weekend you will get to see a blast from my photographic past hope you enjoy the walk down my memory lane.

Today's photo tip: Great photos do not necessarily come from the most expensive or best cameras. They come from the eye of the photographer you don't need fancy equipment to take breath taking photos you need breath taking moments and an eye for that certain something. So just when you think you just have to have that fancier, costlier camera step back see things in a new light and snap away with what you have you might just be surprised at the result.

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