
April 29 Another week in the life

So it will be another fun filled weekend working my let's feed the children and pay the bills job.  I am so eager to finally get out of the rat race of normalcy. I have my eyes on the big prize and though it is not what I really want to do I do have the reassurance that I am in the best job that I have ever had.  I like the work and my co workers you can't ask for more than that.  So I have been really thinking lately that once the move has been made and the craziness of moving settles down making strong investments is advertising to really get a boost going with my business.  It has been put off long enough and I cannot put it off anymore even so-so photographers make good money because they advertise.  So my next goal for this year is advertising of some sort and then taking some of what I make from the initial advertising and putting it back in to advertise on a larger scale.  I am seriously thinking of getting with another co. to get back into the final Fri. in downtown.  I have done it before and had very positive feedback on the quality of my B&W gallery prints.  I also would like to get back into it to get my name and my business name out there and more in the public view. So enough of my long winded explanations of my future ventures lets get back to some good old fashion photography tips so with no further ado.

Todays photo tip: Negative Space from www.bestphotolessons.com
One way of making sure your composition is strong is to pay attention to the positive and negative spaces.

The primary subject of your photo, a person, building, toy car, whatever, is the "positive space."

Negative space is everything else. Something you see in a lot of photography is things sticking out of heads, wires across the scene you didn't see when taking the picture, and so on. This is just from paying so much attention to the subject that photographers forget what is in the background or surrounding the subject.

Exercise: take pictures of three different subjects outside. Doesn't matter what they are, a person, a car, a building. While taking the picture, don't worry about the subject, just pay attention to what is around and behind the subject.

Use the background to compose the shot - for this exercise, the actual subject is not important. If the background is not working for you, move around until it is - zoom in or zoom out to change perspective, get low, or go higher. Whatever makes the background a pleasing photo.

Have a Great Weekend will return to blog again next week.

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