
July 23 Life is like a box of chocolates, there's always nuts in every box.

Ok so today will be my last blog for 6 and I am dreading them. Back to my real job I go, if you want to call it that. I will be so glad when I can ditch the job and have my studio running full time. This is frustrating times but alas I do not give up. So I am re prioritizing my funds and will be hitting the advertising world to further my client base. I am also with great prompting from my husband going to be beating on the doors of some mags to get my landscapes and art prints published. This is new for me and am learning along the way. Wish me Luck...... I am at a point where I have worked so hard to get this business off the ground it is time to take some initiative and get things done. When life gives you lemons, Make Lemonade.

Todays Photo Tip: Take your camera everywhere with you. I don't know how many times I have seen something beautiful or just plain strange and wouldn't you know I don't have my camera. I have seen deer and sunsets and many more things of great interest and no way of documenting them. So when loading up to run your errands toss in your camera just for safe measure you never know when you might find that one in a million shot that will take your breathe away.

Til next time. Have a blessed weekend.

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