
July 20th Update

So I feel that I may have taken on a little too much trying to do a 365 project right now. I still am taking photos everyday pretty much. But, getting them on here and edited is the trouble. So for now I am scrapping the 365 project and my goal is to update my blog no less than once a week. I will also continue to give photo tips because I love to share what I have learned in the last 5 years since I commited to photography my time and energy. Todays photo is my nephew just sitting and contemplating the moment. This is one of my favorite photos I took over the weekend while camping. Hope you enjoy.

Photo tip: If you are wanting to stop action and you are having a hard time with your auto settings. Try switching to shutter priority (if your camera supports this) set your shutter speed to at least your focal length. Being if you are zoomed in to 200 mm then your shutter speed should be no less than 1/200th second. This will stop action so you can catch those jumps, and runs with out that pesky blur that motion will give you.

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