
July 23 Life is like a box of chocolates, there's always nuts in every box.

Ok so today will be my last blog for 6 and I am dreading them. Back to my real job I go, if you want to call it that. I will be so glad when I can ditch the job and have my studio running full time. This is frustrating times but alas I do not give up. So I am re prioritizing my funds and will be hitting the advertising world to further my client base. I am also with great prompting from my husband going to be beating on the doors of some mags to get my landscapes and art prints published. This is new for me and am learning along the way. Wish me Luck...... I am at a point where I have worked so hard to get this business off the ground it is time to take some initiative and get things done. When life gives you lemons, Make Lemonade.

Todays Photo Tip: Take your camera everywhere with you. I don't know how many times I have seen something beautiful or just plain strange and wouldn't you know I don't have my camera. I have seen deer and sunsets and many more things of great interest and no way of documenting them. So when loading up to run your errands toss in your camera just for safe measure you never know when you might find that one in a million shot that will take your breathe away.

Til next time. Have a blessed weekend.


July 21 A good day.

So I got the studio cleaned out since everytime we go camping all the gear gets dumped in my studio. Nice huh? But just didn't have the drive to shoot any photos today and the kids only let me get away with so many a year. So I am faced with a dilema in these economical hard times. Do I take time off from my business or do I do some work for a great deal. I am seriously leaning toward the second option. So in light of my declined business largely to to economic hardship and also my lack there of advertising I will be doing a special. In the remainder of July and August I will be running 30% off my sitting fee and 25% of prints. That is a great deal personalized sitting with me for $28.00. If you are interested in booking give me a call at 316-734-3853 or email me at basicandbeyondphotography@wheatstate.com. Just a side note the photo I have posted was from our trip to San Antonio Seaworld. What a lovely park and truly a great experience for all I highly suggest if you get a chance check it out.

Todays Photo Tip: For those who only have on board flashes. If you are getting frustrated with there being a big bright spot right in the middle of your photo where the flash fired you are not alone. This is called a hot spot and they can be very frustrating. So when you have to use that on board flash and you want to minimize that harsh hot spot. Go to the kitchen pull you out a coffee filter, yes I said a coffee filter. Lightly take a piece of said filter over that flash and see how more diffuse that light is. It will minimize the hot spots and help spread the light just a bit more. You will not be sorry that you used this tip and hey it can't hurt that photo a bit. LOL

Til next time, God Bless.


July 20th Update

So I feel that I may have taken on a little too much trying to do a 365 project right now. I still am taking photos everyday pretty much. But, getting them on here and edited is the trouble. So for now I am scrapping the 365 project and my goal is to update my blog no less than once a week. I will also continue to give photo tips because I love to share what I have learned in the last 5 years since I commited to photography my time and energy. Todays photo is my nephew just sitting and contemplating the moment. This is one of my favorite photos I took over the weekend while camping. Hope you enjoy.

Photo tip: If you are wanting to stop action and you are having a hard time with your auto settings. Try switching to shutter priority (if your camera supports this) set your shutter speed to at least your focal length. Being if you are zoomed in to 200 mm then your shutter speed should be no less than 1/200th second. This will stop action so you can catch those jumps, and runs with out that pesky blur that motion will give you.


July 9 Day 4

Ok so back to the real world of my full time job in the old ER I did take a few snaps today but nothing worthy of posting so in light of my heavy weekend schedule. I will be sharing older photos that are special to me. So here is one of my first "art gallery" quality prints taken with my first high end camera by Kodak. Taken back in 2005 just the day after getting the camera. I was at that time in awe of the camera. Over the years I longed for something bigger and greater. So I purchased my DSLR and have not been upset with the camera one bit. So this weekend you will get to see a blast from my photographic past hope you enjoy the walk down my memory lane.

Today's photo tip: Great photos do not necessarily come from the most expensive or best cameras. They come from the eye of the photographer you don't need fancy equipment to take breath taking photos you need breath taking moments and an eye for that certain something. So just when you think you just have to have that fancier, costlier camera step back see things in a new light and snap away with what you have you might just be surprised at the result.


July 8 Day 3

Wow what a day started with storms and hail this morning and ending with storms tonight. What a wonderful display of natural electricity. Much to my delight I caught my long eluded lightning shot. I have caught others but never in focus just lit up I am overjoyed with this photo. Also very happy to share so others can see it, truly a day that I can say I have accomplished a goal. As I sit here writing I can hear the thunder outside and am itching to go out and try to capture more. Oh to live in the central plains where you can experience the raw fury of nature.

Today's photo tip: To create impactful photos, move in close and fill your picture with the subject. Move a few steps closer or use the zoom until the subject fills the viewfinder. You will eliminate background distractions and show off the details in your subject. For small objects, use the cameras macro or "flower" mode to get sharp close ups.


July 7 Day 2

Aaaahhhh another wonderful day in the life of a photographer. I could have done without the housecleaning but it is a necessary evil and has to be done. But, the reward was an evening with family I have not seen for many years. And seeing my great nephews for the first time how blessed I feel "My cup runeth over" So my photo for today that I have chosen to share is of my great nephew David what a little natural model. He kept coming up to me growling then waiting for me with a cheesy grin til I had taken the picture my most eager subject to this day. I also got photos today of the baby but David was just so eager for me to take his picture he was my choice naturally. Here's wishing my friends a great day.

Today's photo tip: When you are wanting to edit photos and don't want to spend a fortune on Photoshop. Try paint.net it is a wonderful simple platform that is very similar to photoshop but FREE. You can download the program from www.getpaint.net . This is a very nice program to do B&W conversions and other editing using layers and alterations.


July 6 Day one of 365 project.

Spent the morning on the farm with a friend and his kids. Took them riding and they got to play on the farm. It was a very nice and not too hot morning. I just love spending days on the farm a few photos later I have de-stressed and am feeling great. I took more than one photo today but decided this was my most interesting photo. This wasp was hauling his meal back to its home drug the thing all the way across the porch. This was part way when we realized what it was doing. What a fabulous way to spend a day.

Todays photo tip: When you happen to take a not so great color photo before you trash it see what it might look like in B&W you might have a nice surprise. Some of the best monochrome photos are failed color ones. So check it before you trash it.

Basic and Beyond Photography First Blog

Welcome I hope you enjoy our blog. I will be starting a 365 project this next week check back regularly to see each days photo. I will also be updating after each photo session so my readers can see a sneak peek at my newest shoots. I will also be sharing some of my photo knowledge for those who want to learn about simple photography and how you can improve your daily snapshots.

Todays tip: When doing headshots make your point of focus the eyes. The eyes are the gateway to making a normal photo an exceptional photo. With new digital camera technology this is easier than ever.