
March 21 Another Day in the Life

So the last few nights have been crazy busy at work and between the kids off for spring break and a sick kiddo I have gotten very little sleep each day.  Now I am tired and cranky and just want one night where all is relatively calm in the old ER.  Now I have to say in the last few days I have neither seen or done anything interesting but,  I have a very good friend who has the most honest kids.  Some of the stuff they say just makes you laugh so hard so in light of my rather boring last few days I will share a couple tid bits of my friends kiddos that say the funniest things.  So first one is they were driving in the car and a bunny goes hopping across the road the daughter says "Oh look daddy did you see the bunny?" about that time your hear thump, thump and she yells at him "DADDY" and he replies to her "what it must have commited suicide."  The next they were driving near target that had signs out "Kid Zone Sale" the son says "Dad look that sign said Kid Zone Sale can we trade my sister in and get another boy?"  Then the daughter says "Can we trade my brother in and get another girl?" to which my friend promptly replies "NO!"  So there is a little chuckle for you on this wonderful Sunday.  Keep smiling and never forget to stop and smell the roses. 

Today's Photo Tip:  In our digital age there is never any excuse not to take a ton of pictures so today's tip is short and sweet.  Take tons of pictures these are great memories and you never know when you will need them to remember those you don't have anymore.

In Loving Memory of Regan Wheeler may god bless her family that is hurting so very bad and missing her so very much.

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