
March 18 Another day in the Life

I have been browsing other bloggers out there that actually keep up with theirs and find it inspiring what people choose to share and how addicting it can become just to follow through a blog of someone elses life.  I found all sorts of things from A travel pictorial through Marrakesh, what exactly corned beef is, to how silly some people think it is to decorate a tree in honor of Easter.  What inspired me, well most all of these blogs were short just a paragraph every day or so and followers that read and comment on them daily.  Wow who would have ever thought through a blog that I would find out what corned beef really was and why it is called that.  I never pondered it just smiled and made it happily for my family.  So I find myself reasoning to whether or not I could really find something to share every day.  Funny sightings that I saw without my camera.  The call I got from my husband that there was a beautiful double rainbow and I chose to roll over and go back to sleep over getting in my car and taking a photo of it.  How much time do I waste being lazy and generally stuck in a rut for lack of better words.  When I could be taking advantage of all the opportunities life hands me daily.  Would I be happier and have more zest for life??????  It really makes one wonder what all could happen if people would just stop and think about what they were doing yesterday or the day before that was standing in the way of a goal, a dream, or a necessary chore.  Now again I find myself inspired to reach for daily, weekly, and monthly goals.  Hold myself accountable for what needs to be done and no making excuses I just was too tired to do it.  That is bunk the body only requires 6-8 hours sleep to be fully functional and in some cases less than that.  So my very late New Years resolution................ Sit down and write up three degree of goals; daily, weekly, and monthly.  Not much of March left so will not be that hard to do for the current month but will start post haste as anything less would be feeding to the growing monster.  My daily goal would be to start writing in my blog at least a paragraph on whatever I might be pondering.  My day in the life of a crazy photographer.  Sounds delightful to me hope everyone has their seatbelts tightened as this could turn out to be a funny and crazy ride.  But I will start with the small fish cause baby I got some big ones on the burners ready to be done.  I will attempt to still include a photo tip everyday as this is still a photographers blog.  You might get a what not to do lesson learned by me take my advice don't make my mistake kinda tip but hey would you expect any less from me.  I will also start taking questions in my comments and answer them to the best of my ability so ask away if you dare. 

So I will start right now.  My subject for today squirrels.............. Yes I said squirrels we live in a community that actually feeds the little critters now to the point where they will let you get nearly close enough to pet them. Like I would ever care too......... But, they are going nuts right now.  Driving people and animals crazy.  My point is they run up and down my privacy fence baiting my dogs to chase them up and down the fence line.  And I swear those critters tease the dogs by throwing nut shells and small tree limbs at them.  If you have never heard the mass chaos of two dogs chasing a stinking squirrel up and down a fence line consider yourself lucky it is horrible.  If only I could ever get it on video what a sight to see and hear. Anyone want to go squirrel hunting????????

Today's photo tip: I have covered some basics like shutter speed and f stop.  I will later cover the rule of thirds.  But I want to share something that I learned long ago.  Rules are made to be broken I have taken some of my best photos when I have tossed the rule book, been in the wrong lighting, and pretty much should have never gotten the outcome I did.  Photography is drawing with light, so in essence it is art and as with all art it is very open for interpretation some will like it some will not.  So when you are trying to get that perfect shot and you can't seem to get it with the rules as they have been presented break them.  You might find you have a better handle on taking photographs than you thought. 

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