
Sept 24 The days seem to get Crazier

So for the last 3 weeks I have been hobbling my way through life on a cam walker good enough it helps with the pain and I can still go to work.  Well my Dr. not happy with the fact that after 3 weeks I am not getting better she sends me to a ortho foot specialist and bad goes to worse in 30 minutes flat.  I now get to be laid up for 2 weeks trapped in country hell with only my dogs and the silence to comfort my pitiful butt.  I have learned some valuable lessons with this experience that I feel compelled to share with everyone.  1. Crutches were invented by the devil himself. You simply cannot do anything while walking on them including walking.  2. To get around you must reduce yourself to implements that are otherwise reserved for those of age. (AKA The wheeley walker pictured.) 3. Sleeping in a cast is the most horrible thing you can experience due to the I will wake you every hour itching that happens in the middle of the night. 4. Showers are no longer something quick they are an expedition you must prep for in advance with all necessary supplies at hand cause no one is around when you need help. 5.  When you take an otherwise active person and force them to be inactive it is NEVER a good thing.

So in light of my ailment I figured I would take the time to keep my blog up to date for 2 weeks sharing my new trials along the way.  All I can say is at least my toe nails are pretty and match my cast.  I will be researching new learning material and posting new tid bits on here as I find them I will also be handing out assignments and ways to post them to share with others I only wish teaching photog could have been what I chose to do to begin with as I love to help others take great photos.  Each assignment will last 1-2 weeks depending of the difficulty of it.  If you would like to be graded let me know otherwise I will only give constructive critisism not any grading.  No one fails my class if you try that is worth it's weight in gold.  Your assignment in the meantime is to set up either a flickr account (free) or a photobucket account (free) if you plan on participating in class assignments please send me the link to your account and any guest password that I would need to look at your assignment photos.  Send your links and/or passwords to basicandbeyondphotography@gmail.com

Today's photo tip: Artistic Intent  Borrowed from website Best Photo Lessons Online

Why do you want to take pictures? You may want to share with others how you see the world around you, you may want to document your life and that of the people you love, you may have a desire to create images that blow other people away. There are so many excellent reasons to get into photography and why you do so is up to you.

I've put this section first because when I learned photography - it was technique first and art second. That is a time honored way of learning photography. But now that I've done it for 30 years I think it was a backwards way of learning photography.

Photography is an art and you are the artist. If you're thinking you could never be an artist I have good news for you - you already are. Even just taking the time to read this page you've shown you have the desire make images that give you pleasure and can affect others - that is art.

Now comes the fun part - think about why you want to take pictures. Write down a list of:

1 - Things you like about photography. Do you love the moment of seeing the images in prints or on your screen? Is it the challenge of making the photo? Is it the sharing the images with your friends? Is it the memories you get when you look at your photos later? Whatever it is you like about taking pictures, write it down.

2 - What you want to achieve with photography. Do you want to remember what your kids are like at each stage of their growing up? Do you like flowers or architecture or mountains and want to document them? Do you want to show the human condition? Do you want to pursue a career in photography? Write down what you want your photography to do.

3 - What subjects you want to shoot. Flowers, dogs, kids, models, food, people's feet, whatever. Write down those things you find catch your eye or make you wish you had your camera when you see it.

4 - How you feel about those subjects. Do you love it, hate it, feel afraid of it, laugh at it, wish it was yours? This is actually the most important section of the lesson. When you understand what you feel towards something, you'll find your photography of it improves automatically.

Now grab your pen and start writing. Once you're done, put it on the wall, throw it into your camera bag or put it somewhere you can easily review it. Add or change it as you grow as a photographer. But once you have the list, you have a great tool to make your photography better.

You may have noticed the link in top right corner for the book "Drawing on the artist within" by Betty Edwards. I highly recommend this book for learning about bringing out your inner artist - it is a very, very good book which taught me a lot.

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