
Another day in the life.

As my photography dry spell continues and my pursuits to secure an extra employment chugs along, there is no lack of excitement in our family.  Welcome to my UFC/Super Bowl weekend chaos.  Yes that is right folks not only is this Super Bowl weekend but it also brings with it another UFC fight.  I don't mind either one separately but with them both being this weekend I get to clean house today and turn around and clean up in the morning and make food for round 2 tomorrow evening.  All the while my husband with whom has invited all the people over sits down in his man cave playing Black Opps.  I somehow think I have gotten the shaft in this.  I am definitely feeling some retail therapy coming on. 

So as promised I am giving an update on my writing adventure.  I applied for a slot at www.suit101.com which is the first official time I have applied for any kind of writing gig.  Well let's just say it didn't take them long to tell me I was not good enough to write for them.  Now this didn't really surprise me too much but I thought it would at least take them a little while longer to tell me I suck.  So I will be continuing my efforts elsewhere for the time being and come back to them later when I have a little more experience and have refined those writing skills a tad. 

So that is my update for today I have to get back to cleaning so my husband can have his play dates.

Have a great weekend.


A day in the life

So it has been a while since my last blog and as we all have found out my teaching skills are far less than what I had envisioned.  Not that I don't know the content I do, but putting the mis mash from my brain down into something that resembles readable material is something else.  I would ramble and run on to the point I would lose you 5 lines in.  Yet the fact that I want to write and share thoughts has been continually plaguing me.  So in my attempts to supplement my families income where my photography has fallen short I have done 2 things. 1. Learn some marketing skills for my photography business. 2. Develop my writing skills as a freelance writer.

 I have done extensive research in both of these areas and am finding motivation to get up and get going in the morning more than I have in months.  The thrill of thinking that I could actually write and get paid for it is let's just say pretty awesome and learning to market myself as a experienced photographer just gives me little goose bumps.  I am still wondering outside of photography am I really worth reading and I think the answer is yes I have a lot of life skills to my name and I have been involved in many sales and marketing ventures.  Why wouldn't I have something to say on any number of these topics not to mention I do have 14 years of motherhood and 16 years as an adult babysitter (my husband of course).  So my venture into the world of freelance writing has begun and I am finding that there are a lot more places out there to find gigs than I had originally anticipated.  Not to mention there is an endless supply of web based information on being a great freelance writer as well as marketing knowledge for my business.  As always I will keep you updated on my newest ventures and any pertinent content for those who are like me and really desire to eventually get out of the rat race of life.

Have a happy day.