
Another Day in the Life Oct 7 2010

So yesterday was both a good day and a bad day.  Let me take you back to around 8:30 am mind you at this time I was still in a cast hobbling around the house on my wheeley walker.  So I take the tedious measures that it takes to get myself into the shower.  Finally get done with my shower still a good day I get my cast off.  Now I am onto the other tedious task of blow drying and flat ironing my hair this is when my day took a dramatic turn.  As I am blow drying my hair my head hung upside down for better lift it happens.  The whole bathroom goes dark the blow dryer is stopped and here I am head upside down hair not dry and I have no power in my bathroom.  Ok no biggie I will just go flip the breaker and be back in business. Ha ha ha I find that this is not my problem.  So back to the bathroom to reset the GFCI outlet WTF it won't reset and my bathroom is in total darkness.  OK so I gotta finish getting ready blow dryer still too hot won't come back on so I proceed to go ahead and flat iron my hair. WTF again the outlet in the boys bathroom not working either really is this karma trying to tell me something.  So just outside the boys bathroom I finally find an outlet that is working properly but now I have to use only the corner of the mirror while using flat iron.  So by this time I am sweaty my hair is still frizzy and now I have to try to put my make up on over my sweat and try to get the rest of the frizz out of my hair so I can get out of the house by 9:50 to make my appt to get my cast removed.  So I finish and proceed with the rest of my day.
Skip forward to 4:00pm hubby calls to ask if I need anything on the way home and I tell him no but proceed to tell him about my tragedy with the bathroom.  Ok he says in his I can't believe this is happening I don't want to deal with this tonight voice.  I tell him I already got a new outlet all he has to do is come home and change it should be good to go right??????????? Yeah right.......  Outlet changed breaker flipped back on and nothing not a single glimmer of hope that a light or outlet is working in the bathroom.  So he proceed to take the covers and remove each and every outlet in our bathroom and still no sign of a reason why we have no power in our bathroom no shorted wires no evidence what so ever.  So I call contractor who did the remodel on the bathroom no answer left message and went to league so could do my secretary thing.  (still no bowling for me for another 2 weeks) Contractor calls back today says should not take him too long to locate the problem but cannot get out here til tomorrow morning so have to use one of the other bathrooms while ours is Out Of Service.  This would not otherwise be so bad but my boys are disgusting little creatures and their bathroom smells like a boys locker room.  UGH Good thing there is option number 2 available cause man o man you need a clothes pin to go in the other one. 
So what have I learned in the past 36 hours that simply blow drying your hair can sometimes be anything but simple. 

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