
Nov 14 Catching up Again

So here I am again playing catch up.  I decided this time to share a photo taken at the end of Oct. caught this guy hanging out in the tree in my front yard.  He even hung out long enough for me to go inside get my camera come back out and take a few shots before he shot up the tree and out of site.  Lucky me.  I have done some sessions but they have been sports pics not real creative but fun.  Have some more sessions coming up so definitely will be sharing from them soon.  I sit here reflecting on where my business has come from and where it is going I can't help but be extremely thankful to those that have been my clients and those who have told others about me.  There is definitely a greater power involved in this as I could have never seen this coming.  I feel blessed that I can share my skills and make others happy.  Til next time, take care.

Today's Photo Tip: Short and sweet with the Holidays fast approaching make sure you have a full memory card and lots of battery's and take tons of photos you will be thankful later you did. Young ones grow up, old ones leave us but photos last forever.

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