
Aug 14 2009

It's that time again, time for my weekly blog. I would have done this yesterday but was battling my worst enemy migraine headaches. Sometimes I wonder why one gets them and another doesn't I would trade for many ailments just to get rid of them. But I am back up and running today and have many to do's today. Scouting locations is one of them need some unique and interesting locations for photo sessions. I will be getting those up on my facebook page under locations as soon as I get them processed. I am very excited to be adding some new and fun locations to my list. Especially for seniors as they are the most dynamic shoots scenery wise and todays seniors are getting more shall I say demanding of fun and unique scenery. So a trip southward then maybe hit the oldtown district and if enough time head northward to cover all aspects of my range of travel. This may be a two day adventure to be continued early next week we will see what time permits me to do today. So on to todays photo these guys showed up in the backyard the night before last when I was coming in from bowling and I was lucky enough that they were still there yesterday morning so I fought the thumping head to get at least some shots of these weirdly unique critters. Hope you like the photo.

Todays photo tip:

Changing the Point of View

Another thing to consider when taking your picture is your point of view. A picture can be more interesting when taken from an unusual angle. Don't be afraid to lie down and look up at your subject, a particularly dynamic approach when photographing pets or children and also less threatening to your subject. Equally, you could try climbing up to a higher viewpoint and looking down on your subject. Better yet, try both and then delete the one you like less.


Aug 5 2009

Ok so I missed my one week goal by just a bit but I am trying. I have been really busy with work and family but i have managed to take a few new photos. The photo I have highlighted today is from my very own bushes I love hibiscus and they are so pretty when photographed. I am just glad I am able to share with others. I am proud to announce that my facebook page is now up to 80 fans and hopefully growing even more. My goal is to get at least 150 if not 200 but am so happy with my 80. I just hope that my work will increase with my fan numbers increasing. I head back to my day job on Thurs will hopefully get one more blog in before then if not will blog again next week. Til then Live like there is no tomorrow.

Todays Photo Tip: High Resolution All the Way-

One of the most important reasons for packing a massive memory card is to enable you to shoot at your camera's highest resolution. If you paid a premium price for a 6 megapixel digicam, then get your money's worth and shoot at 6 megapixels. And while you're at it, shoot at your camera's highest quality compression setting too.

Why not squeeze more images on your memory card by shooting a lower resolution and low quality compression settings? Because you never know when you're going to capture the next great image of the 21st century. And if you take a beautiful picture at the low 640 x 480 resolution, that means you can only make a print about the size of a credit card, not exactly the right dimensions for hanging in the museum.

On the other hand, if you recorded the image at 2272 x 1704 (4 megapixels) or larger, then you can make a lovely 8- x 10-inch photo-quality print suitable for framing or even for gracing the cover of Time magazine. And just in case you were able to get as close to the action as you had liked, having those extra pixels enables you to crop your image and still have enough resolution to make a decent sized print.

The point is, if you have enough memory (and you know you should), then there's no reason to shoot at lower resolution and risk missing the opportunity to show off your work in a big way.

Happy Shooting.